Wednesday, November 11, 2020

 Check out photos from our Fall Play HEROES:

Also, be sure to watch the recorded performance on November 14! Instructions to the view the performance can be found on the LPS Fine Arts site:

Friday, October 2, 2020

 Thanks to everyone who submitted video auditions for the Fall Play.  Please use the link below to see if you received a part in the show!

Our first rehearsal for A Day cast is Monday, October 5 from 3:00-4:00 in the auditorium!

Our first rehearsal for B Day cast is Tuesday, October 6 from 3:00-4:00 in the auditorium!

If you cannot make your first rehearsal due to illness or a prior conflict, please email Mrs. Wheeler ASAP to let her know!


To All Who Auditioned . . .

Thank you so much for auditioning for this year’s Fall Play!  We were so impressed by

your monologue auditions!  Auditioning for a show requires a lot of courage - you should

be proud of yourself no matter the outcome!

            Please remember that casting decisions are very difficult!  There are so many talented students at this school and it is always hard for us to choose roles! If you did not make this show, please do not give up!  We WANT you to keep trying!  Please consider auditioning for our Spring Production!!

If you did make the cast of the show, congratulations!!  You should be very proud of your monologue performance!  We are really excited to work with all of you!!  

Tuesday, September 1, 2020



Use the link provided to select one of the audition monologue choices to perform for your audition.  Once you feel prepared, record your audition monologue performance and submit using the Audition Form link below to be considered for a role in the show.



Wednesday, August 19, 2020

 HMS Fall Play 2020 Information

Check the HMS Theatre Site for all information pertaining to HMS Theatre Productions:

The HMS Fall Play for 2020 will be different than originally planned.  Because of these uncertain times and the restrictions in place due to COVID 19, we will not be able to present the play we originally intended to BUT  . . . we WILL be presenting a play that adheres to the health and safety guidelines for the fall!! The play is entitled HEROES and it is written by our very own Mr. Dragen! Essentially it is a collection of small group scenes and monologues which all revolve around the theme of being a hero.  The nature of the play will allow for us to maintain social distancing guidelines while still being able to allow actors a chance to perform!  This type of play also allows us to rehearse and perform virtually if that becomes necessary!

Things to Know:

*All of this information is based on current status - this could change at any time based on newly implemented restrictions*


Auditions for the play will be virtual this year.  All actors interested in being in the production, will submit a Google Audition Form as well as record themselves performing one of the audition monologues.  These forms and monologue selections will be posted by September 8! The directors will view all of the audition submissions to make casting decisions.  The cast list will be posted virtually on the HMS Theatre Site.

Anyone interested in auditioning should listen to announcements and check the HMS Theatre site frequently.  All forms and information will be posted on the site.

Audition Forms and Videos MUST be submitted no later than Wednesday, September 30 at 7:00 pm.  Late audition submissions will not be accepted!

The Cast List will be posted on the HMS Theatre site sometime on Friday, October 2.


Rehearsals for the play will begin on October 5.  The majority of our rehearsals will be from 3:00-4:00.  Students with last names A-K will rehearse on Monday and Thursday each week.  Students with last names L-Z will rehearse on Tuesday and Friday each week.  There will be no in person rehearsals on the Wednesday virtual days but it is possible we will hold virtual rehearsals on these days if necessary.


We will not have a live performance of the play this year.  Instead, we will film the actors performing their scenes and monologues onstage and provide a digital link for audience members to view the performance on the previously set performance dates of November 5, 6 and 7, 2020.  We plan to record the actors onstage Monday, November 2 and Tuesday, November 3.  It is possible these dates will change but actors will be provided with a specific date and time that they need to be at the HMS theatre to record their performance once that is finalized.

Other things to note:

*We cannot share costumes this year. Actors will supply their own wardrobe/costume for the play.  The directors will give them ideas of what types of clothes would work for their character but the actor is responsible for providing these.  Actors will be required to wear their costume on dress rehearsals and performances.  They will need to arrive in the costume - we will not be using dressing rooms to change and apply makeup.

*Actors will abide by all school district social distancing and safety procedures while at rehearsal.  We hope to purchase clear face shields for the actual filmed performance so that the actors’ facial expressions are visible.

*We will not be able to implement many of our normal celebrations and activities for the play this year.  For example, we will not be holding a cast party, cast photo or cast dinner this year.

*We will not be utilizing a crew for the fall.  We hope to be able to provide crew opportunities in the spring performance if some of the safety guidelines and restrictions are lifted.

HMS Fall Play Important Dates to Remember:

September 8 Audition Form and Monologues posted on the HMS Theatre site

September 9-29 Fill in form, select monologue, rehearse monologue, record

monologue, submit audition form & monologue

September 30 Last Day to Submit Audition Form and Monologue!!!

October 2 Cast List posted on HMS Theatre site

October 5-November 3 Rehearse play and record performance onstage

November 5, 6 and 7 Digital performance link available to audience members for viewing

If you have any additional questions regarding the play, please email me:

Check the HMS Theatre Site often for the Google Audition form and updates!

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Week of May 18-22 LAST WEEK OF SCHOOL!

There won't be any new assignments this week.  This will be a makeup week for any work you fell behind on and need to complete.  Please make sure all work is submitted by Wednesday, May 20.

I really enjoyed being your teacher this semester and I will remember all the great memories we made in class together before spring break.  I am so proud of all the excellent work you completed virtually for the past few months! I hope you enjoy your summer and that I get to see you next year!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Sign up for the HMS Talent Show!!!  Sign ups need to be turned in this Friday.  This is a great way to showcase your acting talent!  You could perform a short monologue or scene!!

The sign up link is

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Don't forget that all class pages are being updated with assignments regularly!  Check your class page for the work you need to do!

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Thursday, April 9:

All class pages have been updated with new assignments/projects for you to begin working on today.  Check your class page using the tabs above and let me know if you have questions!

Monday, April 6, 2020

Monday, April 6

ALL class pages have been updated with new activities for the next few days.  Use the tabs above to check out the activities and assignments for your class!  Let me know if you have questions!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Wednesday, April 1

ALL classes should check their class page by using the tabs above to view new assignments and activities!

Let me know if you have questions!

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

All Class pages have been updated with an assignment for Tuesday, March 24 through Tuesday, March 31.  Use the tabs at the top of this page to navigate to your class and view your assignment.  Have fun and let me know if you have questions!!

Monday, March 23, 2020

Monday, March 23

Welcome back from Spring Break and to our first virtual learning day!!  It is hard to believe how quickly events have changed since we left for break.  The Speech and Theatre learning we will be doing virtually might be a bit different than what we would normally do in class but we are going to make it work and get through this together!!

Things to know for Speech and Debate, Bravo and Theatre:

1. I will be posting each specific class' assignments and projects on the specific page that pertains to your class!  Use the tabs at the top to navigate to your class to find your assignments.

2. Most of the time I will post a project on Monday to be completed by the end of the week.  I will have a suggested schedule of steps and a time frame for you to help manage your work.

3. If you have any questions at all please feel free to email me!!  My scheduled office hours are from 8:00-9:00 and 12:00-1:00.


Please email me and let me know something creative you did with your time inside during the break!  I would love to hear stories of how you are spending your time!  Some things my family and I did are:  Set up a campsite in our living room, had a "fancy" 4 course dinner, painted rocks and made Leprechaun traps.


Check your class page to see what your assignment is for this week!

I miss all of you and hope to see you in a few weeks!!

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Virtual Learning Activities for Thursday, February 13:

Bravo:  Continue to research monologues.  Create a Google doc with notes about some of the things you are learning about monologues.  Be prepared to share what you know tomorrow!

Speech and Debate 6: Continue to work on your Demonstration Speech.  You should complete your outline today, if you have not already done so, and be ready to print tomorrow!

Theatre 7/8: Continue to rehearse your monologues.  Be prepared to perform onstage tomorrow!  Also, research some audition monologue tips so you can have a great performance!

Sunday, February 9, 2020

To All Who Auditioned . . .

Thank you so much for auditioning for this year’s spring musical Xanadu Jr!  We were so impressed by your singing, dancing and character choices!  Auditioning for a show requires a lot of courage - you should be proud of yourself no matter the outcome!

Please remember that casting decisions are very difficult!  There are so many talented students at this school and it is always hard for us to choose roles! If you did not make this show, please do not give up!  We WANT you to keep trying! Please also consider turning in a crew form! We would love for you to be a part of our crew! Forms are due Wed, February 12!!
If you did make the cast of the show, congratulations!!  You should be very proud of your performance during auditions!  We are really excited to work with all of you!! Also remember that there is always someone near you who did not receive a part.  Please be humble and gracious when viewing this list!

Our FIRST REHEARSAL for ALL CAST members along with Student Directors will be on Monday, February 10 from 3:00-5:00 in the Choir Room.  All cast members must attend!  Please inform your parents that you will be staying after for rehearsal that day and when to pick you up!  Scripts and schedules will be distributed at the rehearsal! Again, congratulations!

See Mrs. Wheeler or Mrs. Benjamin with questions!

Friday, January 31, 2020

Auditions for the Spring Musical are coming up soon!!!  Be sure to check your audition times for both the dance portion AND the singing/acting portion.  Also, make sure you fill in your audition form and have it ready for your audition!

Monday, January 27, 2020

The Audition Workshop for the Spring Musical is THIS Wednesday, January 29 from 3:00-4:30.  Anyone auditioning for the musical should plan to attend.  You should meet in the auditorium by 3:00 pm for the workshop!

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Audition Materials and Sign Ups for the Spring Musical are now posted on the theatre board outside of room 121!

Check the Theatre Productions tab on this site to listen to rehearsal music and also view the dance audition video.

Crew Applications are also available!!
Before the Audition

-  Get to know the show!  Read script samples, listen to the
songs, watch videos, etc.  You can find lots of information on
the HMS Theatre Site under the Theatre Productions tab:

-  Read the audition materials carefully!  If you don’t understand
something, ask someone!

-  Prepare your song!  Be sure to practice and plan to sing with
accompaniment.  If you don’t know how to pronounce
something, look it up! Make sure you understand the context of
the song.  Plan to sing your song in character with expression.
Plan out movements and gestures that fit with the song and the

- Prepare your Acting scene.  Choose a character and scene
you think you can perform well!  Plan vocal choices, expression
, gestures and a character stance.  If you plan to audition with a
partner, be sure both you and your partner rehearse the scene
together.  Plan movement to really stand out!

- Prepare the dance portion of the audition.  An instructional
video for the dance combo will be available on the theatre site
for you to rehearse with.  Make sure you know the steps by
heart and can perform them with facial expressions and energy!

- Check out the Theatre Productions section of the HMS theatre
This section has character explanations, rehearsal music and
the dance instructional video.

- Plan to attend the Audition Workshop on
Wednesday, January 29 from 3:00-4:30! 
This workshop will provide you with lots of tips and information
you will need to know for your audition!  You will also get to
practice the audition songs, scenes and dance!
-  Don’t forget to proofread your audition form for errors!

- Sign up for an audition time!  Write the time down so you will