HMS Fall Play 2020 Information
Check the HMS Theatre Site for all information pertaining to HMS Theatre Productions:
The HMS Fall Play for 2020 will be different than originally planned. Because of these uncertain times and the restrictions in place due to COVID 19, we will not be able to present the play we originally intended to BUT . . . we WILL be presenting a play that adheres to the health and safety guidelines for the fall!! The play is entitled HEROES and it is written by our very own Mr. Dragen! Essentially it is a collection of small group scenes and monologues which all revolve around the theme of being a hero. The nature of the play will allow for us to maintain social distancing guidelines while still being able to allow actors a chance to perform! This type of play also allows us to rehearse and perform virtually if that becomes necessary!
Things to Know:
*All of this information is based on current status - this could change at any time based on newly implemented restrictions*
Auditions for the play will be virtual this year. All actors interested in being in the production, will submit a Google Audition Form as well as record themselves performing one of the audition monologues. These forms and monologue selections will be posted by September 8! The directors will view all of the audition submissions to make casting decisions. The cast list will be posted virtually on the HMS Theatre Site.
Anyone interested in auditioning should listen to announcements and check the HMS Theatre site frequently. All forms and information will be posted on the site.
Audition Forms and Videos MUST be submitted no later than Wednesday, September 30 at 7:00 pm. Late audition submissions will not be accepted!
The Cast List will be posted on the HMS Theatre site sometime on Friday, October 2.
Rehearsals for the play will begin on October 5. The majority of our rehearsals will be from 3:00-4:00. Students with last names A-K will rehearse on Monday and Thursday each week. Students with last names L-Z will rehearse on Tuesday and Friday each week. There will be no in person rehearsals on the Wednesday virtual days but it is possible we will hold virtual rehearsals on these days if necessary.
We will not have a live performance of the play this year. Instead, we will film the actors performing their scenes and monologues onstage and provide a digital link for audience members to view the performance on the previously set performance dates of November 5, 6 and 7, 2020. We plan to record the actors onstage Monday, November 2 and Tuesday, November 3. It is possible these dates will change but actors will be provided with a specific date and time that they need to be at the HMS theatre to record their performance once that is finalized.
Other things to note:
*We cannot share costumes this year. Actors will supply their own wardrobe/costume for the play. The directors will give them ideas of what types of clothes would work for their character but the actor is responsible for providing these. Actors will be required to wear their costume on dress rehearsals and performances. They will need to arrive in the costume - we will not be using dressing rooms to change and apply makeup.
*Actors will abide by all school district social distancing and safety procedures while at rehearsal. We hope to purchase clear face shields for the actual filmed performance so that the actors’ facial expressions are visible.
*We will not be able to implement many of our normal celebrations and activities for the play this year. For example, we will not be holding a cast party, cast photo or cast dinner this year.
*We will not be utilizing a crew for the fall. We hope to be able to provide crew opportunities in the spring performance if some of the safety guidelines and restrictions are lifted.
HMS Fall Play Important Dates to Remember:
September 8 Audition Form and Monologues posted on the HMS Theatre site
September 9-29 Fill in form, select monologue, rehearse monologue, record
monologue, submit audition form & monologue
September 30 Last Day to Submit Audition Form and Monologue!!!
October 2 Cast List posted on HMS Theatre site
October 5-November 3 Rehearse play and record performance onstage
November 5, 6 and 7 Digital performance link available to audience members for viewing
If you have any additional questions regarding the play, please email me:
Check the HMS Theatre Site often for the Google Audition form and updates!