Monday, December 11, 2017

If the CLUE Fits . . .

Audition Monologue cuttings will be available next week!

Auditions for the Spring Play, “If the Clue Fits,” will consist of prepared monologues.  Next week you will find copies of your audition monologue choices posted on the theatre board.  There are 4 monologue options for boys and 4 monologue options for girls.  If you would like to begin preparing your audition monologue over break, feel free to take a copy of the monologue options. Audition time sign ups and packets will be available when you return from break in January. We thought we would share the monologues with you before break just in case you would like more preparation time! See Mrs. Wheeler with questions!

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Spring Play:

If the Clue Fits . . .
By Michael Dragen

Plot Summary

A high school cast is putting on a play based on the board game “Clue.”  Their director, a young teacher doing her first show, is in way over her head.  She is dealing with a principal who doesn’t believe in her, an angry  custodian, and a PE teacher who’s always hanging around.  But that is only the beginning.  The show appears to be cursed!  Everything is going wrong!!!  Actors go missing, props break, lights go out, and conflict among the cast is rampant.  But, as they say in the theatre, “the show must go on.”  But how?!?!?

CHARACTERS in “If the Clue Fits”

Miss Kate Nelson: Female - The young, first year teacher, director of the drama department, who would try any method she could think of to help her students be successful.  
Mrs. Gloria Truck: Female - The school principal, a little “out there” - intimidating, but more because she’s unpredictable, rather than “tough.”
Miss Penny: Female - Lead Custodian with a chip on her shoulder
Mr. Clark Clark: Male - P.E. Teacher in his second year, a sweetly nerdy jock (think more tennis player as opposed to football star)

High School Students working on the show within the show as crew/staff
Mandy Matthews: Female - Stage Manager - tough as nails, doesn’t put up with nonsense
Oliver Guthrie: Male - Assistant Director - anxious, nervous, and a bit OCD
DJ Harris: Female - Sound Board op - cool under pressure
Nate Marshall: Male - Light Board op - thinks that every show is about lights, the actors just get in the way
Lindsey Leroux: Female - Props girl - clumsy and disorganized, but sweet
Greta Osterkamp: Female - Costume girl - German exchange student who is very serious about costumes
David Davis: Male - co-PR Crew Chief - along with his sister a constant source of energy and optimism
Deena Davis: Female - co-PR Crew Chief - along with her brother, a constant source of energy and optimism
Mary Kay: Female - Makeup Girl - loves playing with actors like they’re her own personal dolls to put makeup on
Bobbi Bernstein: Female - Reporter for the School paper - looking for the next big scoop that will get her a lot of attention

High School Students (and the roles they are CAST in for the show “Clue” within the show)
Alexis St. Clair as Miss Scarlett:  Diva high school actress, popular and beautiful, but also kind to others
Bailey Vanderpool as Mrs. White: Diva high school actress, a killer shark
Jaden Jones as Mrs. Peacock: a good actress, but in the shadow of other “cooler” girls
Trevor Thompson as Colonel Mustard: Mister Thespian, very impressed with himself
Carl Schneebly as Professor Plum: an odd duck, but very likable
Garrett King as Mr. Green: Mister Football, trying out for his first play, confident on the field, but nervous in this new setting
Eddie Michaelson as Monsieur Brunette: a goofball
Cindy Simpson as Dr. Orchid: not the world’s best actress, but very hard working
Amos Young as Sergeant Grey: doesn’t take theatre very seriously, but sure does like it!
Hilary Holst as Miss Peach: dreams of being the lead, and idolizes Alexis
Zelda Montgomery as Madame Rose:  “that weird girl,” but very likable
Frankie Fallon as Senator Plaid: a little ball of sunshine and smiles
John Johnson as Mr. Boddy: sweet, maybe a little dim, and a jock
Tim Carney as the Butler: uptight, well mannered, very similar to his eventual character of “butler.”
Simone Cooper as the Maid:  wide eyed and innocent, excited to be in her first play
Amy Peterson as the Cook: wishes for a lead role, never gets it...
Cecelia Drake as the Police Officer:  doesn’t even know why she tried out, but gives it her all
Aaron Cash as the lost Driver: football player, excited to be in his first play
Courtney Carson as the Singing Telegram Girl: has had big parts in the past, excessively enthusiastic
Rachel Roberts  as female understudy:  used to bigger roles, very hyper and passionate
Will Farley as male understudy: loves theatre, doesn’t know much, takes everything in stride
Auditions February 12 and 13
Performances April 19, 20 and 21

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Congratulations to the Cast and Crew of James and the Giant Peach Jr. for their fabulous performances last week!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

James and the Giant Peach Final Week Schedule

Wednesday, October 25 3:00-6:00 pm

2:50-3:30 Get into costume - No makeup and hair!
3:30 Report to auditorium to take roll - Get mics on
3:35 Mic check in auditorium/Vocal Warm Ups
4:00 Full run through
**Notes following run through**

Thursday, October 26 3:00-6:00 pm

2:50-3:30 Get into costume - No makeup and hair!
3:30 Report to auditorium to take roll - Get mics on
3:35 Mic check in auditorium/Vocal Warm Ups
4:00 Full run through
**Notes following run through**
**Thespians run Trick or Treat Village following rehearsal 6:00-8:00 pm**

Friday, October 27 3:00-8:30 pm
2:50-3:45 Get into costume, Do makeup and hair!
3:45 Report to auditorium to take roll
4:00 Cast Photo **Bring $ for cast photo - give to photographer**
**Following cast photo - report to Cafeteria for dinner**
5:00-5:30 Dinner
5:30-6:00 Touch up makeup, get into opening costume, get mics on, mic check
6:00 Full run through with notes following

Monday, October 30 3:00-6:00 pm
2:50-3:45 Eat snack, get into costume, No makeup!
3:45 Report to auditorium to take roll - get mics on
4:00 Mic check
4:15 Full run through
**Notes following run through**

Tuesday, October 31 3:00-6:00 pm
2:50-3:45 Eat snack, get into costume, Do makeup and hair!
3:45 Report to auditorium to take roll - get mics on
4:00 Mic check
4:15 Full run through
**Notes following run through**

Wednesday, November 1 Teaser/School Day Performance
7:30-8:40 Arrive at school, Get into costume, do makeup and hair
8:40-9:08 Report to auditorium to take roll, mic check, etc
9:10 Places for Teaser
9:12-10:01(2nd hr) Teaser 1
10:05-10:54 (3rd hr) Teaser 2
11:00-11:30 Eat sack lunch onstage!
11:30-11:45 Clean up, mics back on, touch up makeup, etc.
12:00-1:20 School Day Performance for elementary students
1:30 Get out of costume, clean up, report to auditorium for notes

Reminders about the teaser . . .

  • Do not allow ANY other students to touch makeup or costumes.  No one is allowed in dressing rooms or around those areas other than actors and crew!!
  • You MUST bring a sack lunch to eat onstage!  You will NOT be allowed to buy food in the cafeteria.  We will eat lunch onstage!
  • You are responsible for making up all missed work in classes!

**You MUST be at school on Thursday and Friday to participate in our performances**

Evening Performances November 2, 3, and 4
5:00-6:00 Get into costume, do makeup and hair
6:00-6:30 Report to the auditorium - get mics on, mic check, warm ups
6:30 House opens! Actors downstairs and backstage!
6:45 Places!
7:00 Curtain!

Matinee Performance November 4
12:00-1:00 Get into costume, do makeup and hair
1:00-1:30 Report to the auditorium - get mics on, mic check, warm ups
1:30 House opens! Actors downstairs and backstage!
1:45 Places!
2:00 Curtain!

**Do NOT forget to return mics to the booth, props to their places, hang up costumes, clean up trash, and move set pieces for Scene 1 before leaving EVERY night!!

**EVERYONE will be responsible for helping with strike after the performance on Saturday.  Your specific duties will be given to you before the show that night.  You will NOT be dismissed to go to the cast party before you check in with one of the directors to make sure you have completed your duties!