Monday, May 18, 2015


If you plan to be a part of the Liberty North High School Theatre Department next year, you are encouraged to attend their theatre workshop this summer!  Any soon to be freshman attending Liberty North is welcome!  Below are the details and schedule!

Liberty North Theatre Department
Summer Workshop
August 10 and 11

Any student attending LNHS is welcome to attend.

Monday, August 10th
9:00 – 9:30                         Introductions

9:30 – 10:00                      Tour of the LNHS Performing Arts Theater and High School

10:00 – 11:30                    Set up the Theater and Scene Shop

11:30                                 Pizza for lunch (provided by LNHS Theatre)
                                                Mrs. Lenger will give a Competitive Theatre Introduction
                                                Anyone allergic to pizza needs to provide his or her own lunch
                                                Yes:  We will have cheese pizza for vegetarians. 
12:00-12:45                      Workshop A:          review musical audition music with Mr. Bunch
(pick one)                         Workshop B:          technical theatre workshop

12:45                                Wrap things up

1:00                                  Dismiss

Tuesday, August 11
9:00 –  9:15                        Introduction

9:15 – 9:45                         Improv.

9:45                                    Costume and Set Construction

11:30                                                Pizza for lunch (provided by LNHS Theatre)
                                                Anyone allergic to pizza needs to provide their own lunch
                                                                        Yes:  We will have cheese pizza for vegetarians. 

12:00                                   Improv.

12:45                                   Wrap things up

1:00                                     Dismiss

Thursday, May 14, 2015


Before the Audition

-  Get to know the show!  Read the script, listen to the songs, watch the movie, etc.

-  Read the audition materials carefully!  If you don’t understand something, ask someone!

-  Prepare your song!  Choose one of the cuttings you will be successful at.  Be sure to practice and plan to sing with accompaniment.  If you don’t know how to pronounce something, look it up!  Make sure you understand the context of the song: is it funny or dramatic, etc.  Plan to sing your song in character with expression.  Plan out movements and gestures that fit with the song and the character!

-  Don’t forget to proofread your audition form for errors!

- Sign up for an audition time!  Write the time down so you will remember!

Also . . . it would help to be familiar with ALL of the song cuttings just in case the directors ask you to sing something else!
Into the Woods Jr. 
Audition Materials Now Available!!!

Anyone who is interested in auditioning for the fall musical in August can now pick up audition materials from the theatre call board!  Since the music in Into the Woods Jr. is quite challenging, we have decided to post these materials earlier than usual so actors can rehearse their songs over the summer if they wish.  If you would like to get a head start on preparing for your audition in August, you can pick up your materials now!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Into the Woods Jr. Design and Leadership Opportunities!!

If you are interested in being a Student Director or Stage Manager for the fall musical, application forms are now available on the theatre call board.  This is a great opportunity to gain leadership experience and be a major part of the show!  These applications are due August 20!

If you are interested in being a Makeup Designer or Scenic Painter for the fall musical, application forms are now available on the theatre call board.  If you are artistically inclined and would like to put your skills to great use for our show, you should definitely submit an application and design!  These designs and applications are due August 26 so if you want to work on them over the summer pick up yours today!!

See Mrs. Wheeler if you have questions!!
Here are a few more great pictures from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Below are some great photos from our Spring Play, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.  Enjoy!!